Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Photographer Of The Week

James Mollison

James did a series of kids and the bed all around the world and it really made me think how lucky I am to have all the thing I have. It really showed me what other peoples lives are like in other parts of the would.

To See More

Kaya, 4, Tokyo

Photographer James Mollison spent more than three years traveling the world and getting glimpses of where all sorts of children spend the night. He documented his findings in the book “Where Children Sleep,” published by Chris Boot. Here is a sampling of Mollison's images and excerpts from the captions found in his fascinating book.Kaya’s bedroom is lined from floor to ceiling with clothes and dolls. Kaya’s mother makes all Kaya’s dresses – up to three a month, usually.

Bilal, 6, the West Bank

Bilal’s family are Bedouin Arabs. Their home is a one-roomed shack they built themselves in Wadi Abu Hindi on the West Bank.

Indira, 7, Katmandu, Nepal

Indira's house has only one room. At bedtime, she and her brother and sister share a mattress on the floor. Indira has worked at the local granite quarry since she was 3.

Alyssa, 8, Harlan County, Kentucky

Alyssa lives with her parents in Kentucky. Their small, shabby house, heated only by a wooden stove, is falling apart.

Ahkohxet, 8, Brazil

Ahkohxet is a member of the Kraho tribe, who live in the basin of the Amazon River. There are only 1,900 members of the tribe.

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